The third panel of the climate resilience workshop

This panel set up to discuss and highlight the ‘Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) experience in National Legislative Development’ is made of National RCRC Presidents and Secretary Generals from the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. The RCSS is being represented by its President, Mr. Kisnan Tamatave who spoke about the NS’ auxiliary role involved Actions in policy and legislation and made special mention to the review of the RCSS Act to reflect today’s national and community needs and thus facilitate the delivery of our services within the auxiliary partnership especially in the DRR context. “As a National Society we look forward to collaborating with Government to work on the different DRR related laws and policies; to bring them ‘a jour’ with the current realities of climate change and climate resilience and response.” -Mr. Tamatave on RCSS auxiliary commitment to DRR.