World Red Cross Red Crescent Day – 8th May 2021
Theme: “Together we are unstoppable”
Message from the President of the Red Cross Society of Seychelles, Kisnan Tamatave and the Secretary General, Marie-May Esparon.
The Red Cross Society of Seychelles, RCSS celebrates World Red Cross Red Crescent Day on the 8th of May each year along with the other 191 National Societies around the world. This year’s theme; “Together we are unstoppable” speaks of the vital role each and every one of us can play in surmounting the challenges Seychelles and the rest of the world is facing. It recognized the importance of volunteers and the work they do to improve the lives of people.
The COVID 19 pandemic has maybe brought some of the worst setbacks and sufferings, but it has also highlighted the humanitarian force behind volunteers, and staff of the different National Societies in the world as well as communities. Regardless of the negative impacts of COVID 19, there has also been a lot of positive attributes and contributions from a lot of people. It is not easy to provide assistance in this trying time, it is not easy to leave a loved one at home whilst taking care of others in need- therefore appreciating and recognizing the sacrifices of volunteers and all those involved is important.
The RCSS believes in the power of the community, and in engaging members of the community to take a bolder step towards their development especially in the humanitarian aspect so as to improve the lives of those in need. We have seen it at work, and it can be done. The theme, ‘Together we are Unstoppable, calls on every one of us to dig deep into ourselves and see how best we can come together as a nation to curb the spread of the virus.
On World Red Cross Day, Red Crescent Day tomorrow, the RCSS calls on its network of volunteers, staff, community leaders and members, the government, partners to reflect on this theme, understand it and find ways to improve on existing mechanisms, structures in place. To our volunteers, staff, let us continue to be guided by our humanitarian values, let us keep uniting, let us take care of each other and those around us. This is our day, and we have every reason to be proud of what we have achieved since the COVID 19 Pandemic started last year. We have made it through because we are one, and we believe in the power of humanity. We are living proof that.