Red Cross extends a helping hand to the Association of People with Hearing Impairment.

The Association of People with Hearing Impairment, APHI, has recently occupied a space for their new centre, and the Red Cross Society of Seychelles, RCSS, in an effort to continuously provide assistance to those in need, has recently donated some safety and hygiene items to the association.

This was done in a short ceremony at the APHI Centre recently, located at the former maritime school at Mont Fleuri, in the presence of the National Society’s Secretary General, Mrs Anita Gardner, the association’s chairperson, and other representatives of the RCSS and the APHI. Also present was Mr Andy Roucou, Manager of Island Chemicals, a local business working with the RCSS to provide assistance to the APHI. Island Chemicals is providing additional hand sanitisers and dispensers to the centre.

It was the RCSS’ Logistics Officer, Kenneth Marcel who handed over the items to two young representatives of the association; Shanick Malvina and Marius Cedras. Items donated amounts to over twenty-five thousand Seychelles rupees, (SR25, 000.00), comprising of surgical masks, gloves, soap, hand sanitisers and dispensers, floor and surface disinfectant, candles, posters, stickers on safety practices during COVID 19, first aid kits amongst others. After the presentation, students of the centre went around the facility putting up posters and stickers on safety and hygiene recently donated.

This donation came after a delegation from the RCSS payed a working visit to the centre to identify their needs and to see how best to assist. Representatives of the Red Cross Society of Seychelles, comprising of its Secretary General was given a guided tour of the facility by Mrs Gardner.

The NS will also provide trainings to the students and staff in certain areas to build their capacity; trainings in First Aid, Disaster Risk Reduction, Psychosocial Support to name a few as well as exchange programmes with youth of the RCSS.