RCSS Team Briefing Updates
Monday 21st September 2020
The RCSS was notified to be on standby at 1019hrs today and 14 volunteers are now on standby including 8 on site and 6 at home. The RCSS has now set up a Command Post on the Providence highway and our main roles are to: assist the Ministry of Health and provide First Aid if necessary. We are updating data providing logistics for the different teams deployed including the Department if Disaster and Risk Management, Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency, the police, the military, the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority Fire and Safety Unit and others. We have had visits from Government officials including: Designated Minister Macsuzy Mondon, Minister Wallace Cosgrow for Environment and Principal Secretary for Environment Mr. Allen Decomarmond. So far there has not been any casualty reported and we are presently in the process of compiling data.
The President of the Republic Mr. Danny Faure was briefed by the Heads of all agencies and departments present including RCSS SG who briefed His Excellency of the roles of the NS presently…we advised that Firefighters of the SFRSA and SCAA be kept regularly hydrated.
The volunteers already on site will remain until morning and we will pull in two more volunteers on standby in the next two hours. Logistics expanded to accommodate volunteers and personnel on site. Volunteers will be deployed in pairs every hour to check condition of emergency officers on the different sites especially fire fighters and to ensure they have enough water and other support logistics. Accountability of movement and RC principles to be observed.
19:30 hrs
The Manager for Inspectorate Industrial Estate Authority managing the Providence Industrial Estate and the Dep. CEO of the Authority, DRDM and RCSS and SFRSA attended this urgent briefing. SFRSA briefed on status of fire situation presently and all agencies present collectively agreed and decided after consultation to lockdown Providence including the two educational institution main entrance of landfill will be open until 1200hrs. All agencies notified and Press Release to go out in the next five minutes
23:35 hrs
- Received complaints from 14 districts complaining of disturbing smoke in Central to North of Mahe.
- From 1045pm explosions were being heard from the fire site.
- Update from RCSS volunteer from site:- all seems ok on seaside, excavator digging access to landfill on southside. Currently no casualty on site. Change of paramedic scheduled for 0000hrs but driver and porter will remain.
- RCSS update at 2315hrs to Jones Madeleine, SFRSA and Cetoupe DRDM and they left 2313 to proceed on site…
- Other updates: 0000hrs to 0500hrs water supply will be cut from Pointe Larue to North East Point. Desalination plant has been shut down since 1100hrs…0500hrs to 1100hrs on 21/09/20 reconnection of desalination plant to monitor situation.
- MOH update: recorded at 2330 from hotline 155 (MOH) – 3 cases reported from Roche Caiman with respiratory issues due to smoke. MOH has requested standby of ambulance in case of need.
- Deployment of RCSS …SG and two NC members proceeding to check on firefighters.
- Two (2) volunteers to patrol Roche Caiman to Victoria to check smoke and wind situation.
- Back report of volunteers from patrol: Roche Caiman area is presently clear. Victoria from area of Box to Box going towards North, visible smoke and smell of burning.
Setting up logistics for the night
Tuesday 22nd September 2020
We started the day today without having totally extinguished the fire. The bigger fire has been put under control but fumes are still being emitted with smoke still intense over a large area of Providence. 8 of our volunteers have been on site since late yesterday afternoon and we are still here, now with additional 2 volunteers . Our roles are still the same as we ensure proper logistics to cover the operations from all sides and the safety and welfare of all team members from all agencies. Presently all related Heads of Agencies and Departments are present for a special briefing to strategize operations to extinguish the fire by 4PM as per order of the President of the Republic, Mr. Danny Faure.
The RCSS is staying alert in case relocation of the CC has to be effected depending on wind direction.