In carrying out its humanitarian mandate in alleviating and improving the condition of the most vulnerable populations of the world, both in ordinary times as well as in emergencies, the Red Cross Society of Seychelles gets involved, when necessary, in the provision of health care services
This policy addresses the recommitment of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and individual National Societies to a continuation of the provision of health care services, in particular to the most vulnerable populations, noting that:
According to the internationally accepted definition of health as promulgated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”;
Health is an inalienable right of all people without any regard to race, religion, color, nationality, sex or origin,
Health of the individuals is a fundamental and indispensable prerequisite to national and individual development;
In the absence of health, the full potential of individuals as productive and responsible members of society cannot be realized;
Poverty, inequity, the widening gap in social justice and lack of respect for Human Rights are important factors in causing poor health; therefore,
The Red Cross Society of Seychelles shall:
- Strive to be a strong and privileged voice of social conscience in protecting and promoting the health of the most vulnerable populations.
- As auxiliary to the government, advocate the creation, maintenance and continuous development and improvement of a national health care system which is capable of meeting the health needs of all of the population, in particular the most vulnerable.
- Within its own means and capabilities, the Seychelles Red Cross shall contribute to the same system without attempting in any shape or form to substitute for the state responsibilities.
- Within the context of the national health needs identify the appropriate areas for the Red Cross to intervene to meet the true needs of the most vulnerable and provide the corresponding health care services to the extent possible. The health care thus offered will be complementary to those of the government and/or the other partners in and providers of health care services. It shall be developed in such a manner as to ensure continuity and sustainability.
- In providing health care give priority to integrated community-based health programmes, thus ensuring maximum benefit to the beneficiaries of these services.
- Ensure that the integrated community-based health programmes shall include and encompass, to the extent possible; the eight components of primary health care (PHC) so that the essential health needs of the most vulnerable are provided for. Special emphasis shall be placed on sensitising the target populations about their primary responsibilities in maintaining and developing their own health through such means as healthy life style and behavioural changes.
- Ensure that the health care thus provided are continuously and permanently adjusted and adapted to the current and future trends as they affect the health of the most vulnerable populations. In particular, the necessary emphasis will be given to health promotion, prevention, control and, when and if feasible, treatment of infectious diseases, including the emerging and re-emerging diseases.
- Ensure that the health care thus provided will give priority to meeting the special needs of the neglected and the marginalized, irrespective of the underlying causes of their marginalisation. They shall also ensure that the services thus provided are adapted to and compatible with the special characteristics of their own countries and communities.
- Ensure that subject to availability of financial and human resources and the existence of need amongst the vulnerable populations, reproductive health will be an integral component of health care services rendered.
- See to it that the relevant components of health care are incorporated in and are an integral part of all their other humanitarian work and programmes.
- Ensure that all health care services provided in emergencies shall take the long-term sustainability of services into considered, with the assurance that services provided in any prolonged emergencies will develop into sustainable integrated community-based health care.
- Strive to ensure the availability of financial, material and high human resources for the provision of health care services as described above.
The Red Cross Society of Seychelles has a responsibility to ensure that all health progammes adhere to the disease prevention, treatment and control protocols officially promulgated by WHO and are in compliance with this policy; that all staff and volunteers participating in such programmes are aware of the rationale and details of this policy; and that, to the extent possible, all governmental and non-governmental partners are adequately informed of this policy.
The Red Cross has the responsibility to ensure that their practices are in conformity with the prevailing standard as set by WHO and to encourage the government to adopt the policies adopted by the said organization.
The Red Cross Society of Seychelles has the responsibility to identify its role in the overall country programme with regard to health while adhering to this Health policy and the Federation Strategy for community Health.
The Red Cross Society of Seychelles and the International Federation have the responsibility to develop, introduce and implement a mechanism for monitoring and verification of compliance with this policy.
This policy was adopted by the National Committee of the Red Cross Society of Seychelles in December 2010. The policy replaces all previously established health policies.