The RCSS alongside the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs launched its First Aid training on Friday, May 31 with district brigade team leaders being the first participants in the Ministry of Local Government’s ‘Save A Life’ First Aid training program which will be facilitated by the RCSS.
The ‘Save a life’ First Aid Training which is among the RCSS shortest First Aid Training lasts for one day, provides an excellent foundation in basic first aid techniques as well as a certification for two years. The goal of the course is to increase participants’ confidence in their ability to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and to swiftly analyze the situation in order to save a life.
The Minister of Local Government and Community Affairs, Mrs. Rose-Marie Hoareau, emphasized in her speech that the Ministry had pledged this training during the December 5th recognition ceremony for district brigade members last year. She also expressed her gratitude to the volunteers for their commitment to helping during crises and natural disasters.
By taking part in the ‘Save a life’ Training, the district brigade team leaders capacity will be increased, with the Ministry committed to providing the resources and capacity-building that are required.
Mr. Kevin Perine, Principal Secretary for Local Government and Community Affairs, Mrs. Denise Clarisse, Director General for Community Affairs, and the Secretary General along with staff of the Red Cross Society of the Seychelles were also present for the launching.