1. Personal Information First Name: Surname: Date of Birth: NIN: Upload Passport-size Photograph:
2. Address Home: Work: Email:
3. Contact (Telephone) Mobile: Home: Office:
4. Next of Kin First Name: Surname: Relationship: Mobile: Tel Home: Tel Office:
5. Occupation:
6. Level of Education:
7. Main Skills Attained:
8. State the reason why you are applying to volunteer for the Red Cross:
9. State any previous volunteer work experience:
10. Areas of Interest (Please tick)
First Aid/CPRDisaster preparedness & response*Logistics*First Aid CPR instructor*Water Rescue*RCSS school Club Leader*Radio communication*Disseminator*Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment*HIV/AIDS Sensitization*HIV/AIDS Care & Support*Blood Donor Recruiter*Blood Donor*Peer Educator*Volunteer Management*Office AssistantGeneral HelperClothes collection & distributionAmbulance Driver*DriverResource MobilisationLeadership skills*FinanceProject WritingPsychosocial Support*Community workOthers (specify)
*The Red Cross Society of Seychelles provides formal and 'on the job training' in these areas.
11. State the period you will be available to volunteer your time for the Red Cross (e.g. hours per week or month / which day / holidays / annual leave / time of day etc...):
12. Provide the names and contacts of at least 2 Referees supporting your application Name: Tel Contact: Email:
Name: Tel Contact: Email:
13. Declaration Sign: Date: